Block # 13, Bhutta Chowk, Khanewal
+92 (0) 343-786-1234

SEO Services for Business Leads


Digital Applications: Full Service SEO Company In Pakistan

Digital Applications SEOSearch Engine Optimization services are aimed to boost your website’s ranking organically to increase conversion rate for search results of your website.

Today, in the age of competition on web, everyone look he or she on the first Google page, but it’s not possible for everyone to be on top at once. However, your website, brand or business deserves to gain higher Google page ranking. Google makes improvements every year in its search algorithms. Alone in last year over 550 improvements were made in Google Search Algorithms. Now Google uses 200+ clawers in their algorithm to index a website.

We do not use bots or artificial crawlers for our SEO campaigns. Everything we deployed is specifically tailored to your individual, business or brand’s needs. We design and run strongly successful SEO campaigns Google Adwords Service for various established medium and small sized enterprises, startups and big brands from different sectors and industries, having their particular competition challenges. We realize that every industry has its own unique requirements that every business has to meet, functioning in that particular industry.

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Why to Choose Digital Applications for SEO:

We pay attention to the requirements of our clients and synchronize our strategies with their operational marketing teams to get best out of every SEO campaign.

Deep Competitor Analysis

Before we make the plan for SEO, deep analysis of your competitor is done by our experts, which helps us set our strategy accordingly

White Hat SEO

We improve your website’s ranking and get results using approved white hat SEO tactics to prevent any Google penalties

Content Optimization

While optimizing your website, we may minor tweaking and fixing to your existing content according prime keyword phrases

Images Optimization

Optimizing image size, alt tags and titles helps website to appear in image search engines that increase website’s visibility on web

Keyword Position

Our SEO doctors examine your website content relevancy with prime-keyword and keyword positioning in details to reduce bounce rate

Meta Settings

We set Meta tags created using deep keyword research to improve search ranking on search engines like Google, Yahoo, Bing or etc

URL Structure Optimization

Search engine looks for URLs and URL structure to index web pages. Our SEO experts optimize URLs and structure accordingly

Internal Linking

We optimize structure of internal linking that enables search engine to determine the most important pages of website

Inbound Linking

We grab mixture of do-follow and no-follow backlinks from high valued relevant websites with good SEO Parameters of DA, PA, CF & TF

Fix Broken Links

Google does not like 404 error and broken links. Our SEO technicians check website for broken links to fix them with content

Page Speed

Our SEO experts evaluate page-loading speed of website and apply right actions if needed using web development techniques

Time Frame

Google take a while to index website. We apply only white hat organic SEO strategies that show results after 6 weeks minimum

Google Webmaster tools

We will synchronize your website with Google Webmaster tools that assess overall website health and guide for right SEO steps

Google Analytics

We link your website with Google analytics that you can analyze traffic, conversion rate, bounce rate, peak traffic or etc of website

Digital Applications: Improves your websites Google Ranking using best SEO Strategies

Digital applications break the process SEO – Search Engine Optimization to get apparent results:

1. Keyword Research:

At this step, we research for keywords that are relevant to your niche, have high search volume and low competition. Selection of right keyword is the first milestone in Search Engine Optimizations. Keywords are combined to convert short tail to long tail for better ranking in start.

2. Competitive Research

Once sorted our target keywords and keyword phrases, we go through analysis of competitive websites. Competitors are determined on different aspects like DA, PA, inbound links, social media presence etc. through this competitor’s analysis; we measure the present position of client’s website among its competition and prioritize requiring actions in following work.

3. Reporting & Goal Setting

After completing keyword research and setting competitors, we set client’s site position on search engines and work in particular areas for the campaign success. A complete strategy is developed, how to move ahead for better ranking and shared with client.


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4. Content Building

Content is the heart of a website and ruler of SEO. By adding unique, high quality content we handle on-page optimization. High-quality, SEO oriented content related to your niche will help you in following areas:

  • Page Titles
  • Page Optimization
  • Prominence of Targeted Keyword Phrases
  • Text-Based Navigation
  • Site Map
  • ALT and META data
  • Clean up the Code

5. Social Media Sharing and Signals

Today, Social media is the hot favorite platform of marketers. We create social signals to enhance its popularity in social media. We also provide facebook campaigns to grab the social traffic with particular niche and interest. We increase the reach and impressions on clients business to attract the targeted audience. Social Media is the necessary part of SEO in recent Google update.

6. Building In-Bound Links

In-bound links increase traffic juice as well as guide your visitor through the relevant text and products on your website. This also creates vote for our site in Google Search Algorithm. We target relevant websites with high SEO Metrics as like Domain Authority, Page Authority, Citation Flow, Trust Flow, Organic Traffic, Referring Domains and etc. We aim both do-follow and no-follow backlinks to assure the natural phenomena.

7. Follow Up Reporting and Analysis

Search engine ranking, traffic, social media traffic and other SEO metrics will be compared periodically to gauge the campaign’s performance. We seo company in chennai update SEO plan according to the analysis of our campaigns performance. We run multiple iterations and deploy until we get success in proper ranking in Google’s First Page.


Main Area of Expertise

Keyword Research (94%)
94 %
On-Page Optimization (98%)
98 %
Off-Page Optimization (93%)
93 %
Content Optimization (98%)
98 %
Social Media Signaling (98%)
98 %
SEO Audit (96%)
96 %
SEO Tools (94%)
94 %


Services and Solutions we offer in Search Engine Optimization – SEO:

Digital Applications is a full-service SEO company. Our exceptional creative and technical experts run effective SEO campaigns across the various competitors’ areas.


SEO Consultancy

Your marketing team may need our assistance in SEO consultancy, or may want to be your full time SEO team. We are happy to serve you in both way.

Keyword and Market Research

In SEO, where everything works organically and does not operate with 2+2=4 rule. Our method of work is very scientific and comprise on practical efforts. We offer assistance in keyword research within your market and suggest you right strategy for the wider business benefits.

SEO Audit

We have our own SEO audit tools. We create technical SEO audit reports for your website that analyze SEO metrics to ensure how well your website is indexing on search engines and which areas need quick action for better visibility.

On-site SEO

We will assess your website’s internal structure based on targeted keywords and suggest elements that are important for indexing according to Google algorithms. On-site optimization is very necessary to pass many filters of search algorithm.

Penalty Recovery

Digital Applications expertise is well sufficient in reviewing backlinks and link audits. We have assisted many websites recovering from search engine’s algorithmic penalties caused by mistakes of them or third party.

Link Building

Our link building service includes brand outreach, PR and content marketing. These all aspects are important to maximize website’s visibility. Inbound Link Building in multiple ways especially by relevant niche guest posting with higher SEO metrics is the key target.


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Content Marketing

Our professional and creative team of writers and designers will create high-quality and engaging content related to your business or niche. The content that will enhance your presence for other blogs and media houses, invites them to come forward to feature you in their publications. It accelerates your websites, brand’s or business visibility with healthier outcomes.

Digital PR

We work through our developed PR with other journalists, bloggers, publishers and industry influencers and send online press releases to gain high quality backlinks and social media highlights to increase your digital PR.


It does not matter how remarkable content you have created. It can be vanished if not promoted effectively. Our outreach team will put their utmost efforts to increase your content’s outreach to the masses.

Info-graphics and Interactive Content

Our creative team of designers and artists create engaging info graphics and interactive visuals for businesses and brands that are likely to be shared across the web.

Social Media Marketing

Social Media Marketing has become inevitable shareholder of SEO. Our social media team share and emphasize your content and message through social media. We have digital marketing expert team to run paid campaigns on social media if needed.


Final Briefing:

Our experienced team of Search Engine Optimization – SEO is known for their immense work in the industry. We love to build long-term relationship with our clients based on our successful results and contentment, trust our clients put on us. Our Professional Team, will give you monthly plan with estimated time line to rank the selected keywords at page one in Google Search Engine.

We have combined FAQs below. If you are interested in knowing more about our exclusive Approach to SEO – Search Engine Optimization or request a quote for any of our SEO services, Contact Us NOW!



Do you ensure guaranteed #1 position in search engine ranking?

Not any SEO company can guarantee SEO results for a specific keyword or keyword phrase. There are so many variables determine website’s search engine ranking like Algorithmic updates, new sites being added in your niche and efforts made by competitors.
We will do our best to provide you best of our SEO services without any guarantee to get higher ranking in search engines.

Can I get high ranking with single ‘word’ keyword?

With the growing competition, single keyword or keyword phrase is difficult to get in top ranking because of strong competition. Long-tail keywords are more rewarding. For example, “wordpress” is less targeted than “WordPress design software”. Long-tail keywords lead to more traffic, low competition and high search engine ranking. 

I am number 10 in Bing, but not in top 1000th in Google. Why?

Google and Bing have different algorithms. Google favors off page optimization with on page optimization such as quality relevant backlinking. Bing favors on-page optimization such as keyword density, H1 tags etc. if you want to improve Google’s rank you have to invest time in links.

How long does the SEO process take?

This varies with the website niche, competition and requirement of getting on the top. For example, a five pages website with low competition will take less time than a 50 pages website with strong completion. However, (for a normal size website (20 pages) with moderate completion) you will see the betterment in search engine ranking right after the on-page optimization and additional weight will be added after building links in 3 months. 

I find some websites owners applying black-hat tactics, why are they working for them?

Initially black-hat tactics cannot be detected until search engines apply algos to detect spam tactics. Then there is always a risk of being penalized or reported by search engine. Ultimately, high ranking for prime keywords is beneficial in the long-run through white-hat SEO strategies for the future of business.

Do you do Bing Search Marketing or Google AdWords?

Yes, we can do Bing search marketing or write Google AdWords for you; even we are able to manage your complete PPC (pay per click) campaign with keyword analysis along with social media awareness campaigns. 

What can ensure that I will be ahead of my competitors on the web?

Search Engine Optimization is an ongoing business strategic process. In this perspective, you have to stay with our consultative process to evaluate the strength, weaknesses and activities of competitors on regular basis to stay ahead of them on the web.

I am from another country, can you work for me?

Yes, our clients are from different countries like UK, USA, Canada and others. We can rank your website in any country, you want. 

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